If you are looking for a permanent way to replace your missing teeth, contact Lovett Dental Pearland. We can replace your missing teeth with dental implants and restore your smile through complete dental implants.
Our dental implant procedure will give you new teeth that blend in perfectly with your other teeth. We offer a long-term option for filling in those gaps and giving you a complete set of teeth. We provide caring treatment in a relaxing and safe environment where you feel like family.
What are Dental Implants?
Simply put, dental implants are metal oral posts or frames. We surgically position the frames into your jawbone just beneath your gums. After we insert the posts or frames into your jaw, we can mount replacement teeth on top of the post.
The purpose of inserting the post or frames into your jaw is to fuse them with the jawbone. This procedure provides strong support for the new artificial teeth. If you have dentures or bridges, they won’t move around in your mouth while you eat. You can also place individual crows over the implants so that they look and feel natural.
Are You a Candidate for Dental Implants?
Before we offer dental implants, we must first check your oral condition to ensure that you already have healthy gums and adequate jaw and bone support. Otherwise, the implants will not work. You also have to make sure that you keep your main bone structure healthy at all times. What does this mean? You must brush your teeth regularly and schedule regular dental visits to our clinic. Our dentists are happy to help you take care of your dental implants.
Two Types of Dental Implants We Offer
We offer two types of dental implants according to the guidelines set by the American Dental Association. These implants include:
- Endosteal implants. Our dentist surgically inserts the implant directly into your jawbone. Afterward, we have to wait for your gum tissue to heal. Once your gums are ready, we perform a second procedure to connect the post to the original implant. We complete the procedure by attaching an artificial tooth to the post. We can attach an individual crown or a denture.
- Subperiosteal implants. Our specialist fits your jawbone with a metal frame just below the gums. Afterward, we wait for the gums to heal. The frame fuses with the jawbone permanently. We then attach the post to the frame. The post protrudes through the gums. Finally, we mount artificial teeth to the posts.
Our Dental Implant Procedure
The first step in a dental implant procedure is assessing if an implant is the right choice for you. We examine your teeth, find out why there is a tooth missing, and then make an official diagnosis. We then go over your options, including dental implants.
If you are healthy and want to move forward with a procedure, we will schedule the implant and go over the details. After we complete the process, we will schedule follow-up visits to ensure that your implants are performing well and that there are no other issues.
Schedule Dentistry Services Today
No matter what type of dental care you need, Lovett Dental Pearland can provide it for you. Our highly-skilled, board-certified dentists are here to help you feel better while improving your smile. In addition to dental implants, we also offer:
- Oral surgery
- Periodontics
- Cosmetic dentistry
- Teeth whitening
- Root canal treatment
- Crowns and bridges
To schedule a dental implants consultation or one of our other services, contact Lovett Dental today at 281-416-5844.