Many people who regularly go for dental checkups consider this as a gateway to achieving good oral health. However, others perceive dental health services as a preserve for emergencies only. When you go for your routine dental checkup, your dentist will conduct several examinations to check for any dental issues. Dentists utilize appropriate equipment to diagnose any underlying dental condition.
The American Dental Association (ADA) reveals that a majority of Americans seek regular dental care services. However, dental conditions usually affect the lower economic class and disadvantaged population because they’re unable to seek proper treatment.
Insight Into Common Dental Health Conditions
The common types of dental diseases are cavities (also known as tooth decay), referring to permanent tooth damage, and gum diseases (gingivitis), which occurs due to gum inflammations.
When you eat different types of food and brush your teeth improperly, there will be an accumulation of bacteria and fungi. Foods rich in sugar and protein create an acidic environment for the bacteria to flourish. The acid dissolves food enamel, resulting in dental cavities.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) notes that most of the school-going children experience dental cavities. Almost all adults experience at least one dental cavity in their lives. Plaque is a sticky matrix where the bacteria near the gum-line thrive. Once the plaque accumulates, it hardens and moves down the tooth’s length, resulting in gum disease. NIH notes that millions of adults whose ages range from 35 and above suffer from chronic gum diseases.
Several common factors lead to gum diseases, such as smoking, frequent intake of sugary foods, acid reflux (heartburns), inappropriate brushing, and genetics. Many things go wrong with dental health because we use our mouths a lot. Fortunately, most dental conditions are treatable, especially when you discover them early.
When Should You Seek Dental Health Services?
You should not seek the doctor’s help only when symptoms of diseases start manifesting. Visit your dentist at least two times a year to discover any underlying dental condition before the symptoms become apparent. Preventive care not only lowers your likelihood of developing dental issues, but it also makes issues that do arise less severe than they would otherwise be.
However, you should also seek the help of emergency dental services when experiencing several red flags, including:
- Sores or soft areas in your mouth that persist for more than two weeks
- Bleeding or swollen gums, especially once you finish brushing or flossing
- Sudden increased sensitivity to beverages and hot or cold temperatures
- Toothaches and severe gum-line pains
- Cracked or a broken tooth
- A chronic odor from the mouth
If you are experiencing any combination of the above symptoms, visit Lovett Dental Pearland today. We can provide you with the much-needed treatment you or your family needs.
Get Dental Health Services at Lovett Dental Pearland
Even people who take good care of their teeth need to visit a dental healthcare provider regularly. At the Lovett Dental Pearland, you will receive a wide array of treatment options, including:
Our dental care professionals will also teach you the habits for optimal oral health. For instance, there are several mechanisms that you can put in place to keep your teeth healthy, such as brushing your teeth at least two times a day using fluoride toothpaste and flossing once daily.
For healthy teeth, dentists recommend a high intake of diet rich vegetables and fruits. Avoid or reduce sugary foods and the consumption of tobacco products.
Seeking dental health services is a step towards achieving healthy teeth and overall well-being. Don’t let any dental diseases ruin your chances of a picture-perfect and healthy smile. Contact Lovett Dental Pearland at 281-416-5844 for a consultation.