If you have undergone a root canal procedure, you now know what many people have already learned: the procedure is not the nightmare that many make it out to be. However, you are not necessarily out of the woods yet. You will need to carefully follow your dentist’s instructions to ensure that you heal quickly and without complications during your recovery from a root canal.
Recovery from a Root Canal
Here are a few tips and recommendations to help speed your recovery from a root canal procedure.
Avoid Pressure
Probably the most important recommendation is to avoid placing pressure on the treated area. For a certain period of time, the affected area will likely be somewhat sensitive. It is best to chew on the other side of your mouth from the root canal procedure to avoid a spike in pain. You want to ensure that your swelling is minimized as quickly as possible after your procedure by giving the area time to heal.
Tips on Eating and Drinking
In addition to avoiding chewing on the side of the mouth where you had your root canal procedure performed, you need to be careful about what you are eating and drinking. Avoid foods that are difficult to chew or force you to bite down forcefully. Stick to softer foods like fruit, oatmeal, and scrambled eggs.
Another point to keep in mind during recovery from a root canal is that you should avoid consuming foods and beverages that are extremely hot or cold. This will help to keep any pain or discomfort at a minimal level and ensure that the soft tissues of your mouth heal as quickly as possible.
Brush Gently
You may need to make some adjustments to your daily oral care routine following any oral surgery, but do not give it up entirely so that you prevent any infection.
When you need to brush your teeth, be extremely gentle when you are in the vicinity of the treated area. But do brush there to remove any oral bacteria that could increase pain or sensitivity.
Managing Pain and Discomfort
It is normal to experience some level of discomfort during your recovery from a root canal procedure. Still, you can help the situation by taking anti-inflammatory medications or any prescribed medications.
The main way to avoid pain and discomfort is to refrain from placing pressure on the treated area and avoid food and beverages with extreme temperatures. Handled properly, any pain or discomfort you experience following your root canal procedure should rapidly diminish within a few days.
Pay attention to the way that you feel in the days after your root canal procedure. If you are still in a lot of pain after a few days have passed, it may be a concern. Get in touch with your dentist if you notice signs like:
- Swelling lasting longer than one day
- Rashes or hives
- Pain medication that is not effective
If you are experiencing pain but cannot reach your normal dentist, do not hesitate to get to an emergency dentist immediately. Pain following a root canal procedure should be taken seriously — it may indicate greater risks to your health.
Avoid Exercise
It is usually a good idea to take some time off from your exercise routine for a few days following any oral surgery. Your dentist can advise you as to how long you should refrain from exercise.
The main point is that you want to avoid increasing your heart rate, which could raise your bleeding risk. Once you do begin exercising again, take it easy, and return to your routine gradually.
Lovett Dental Pearland Can Help Ease Your Recovery from a Root Canal
A root canal procedure or any other type of oral surgery requires slight changes to your normal routine. Recovery from a root canal does not have to be difficult. It just takes some discipline in listening to your dentist’s instructions. Call Lovett Dental Pearland at 281-416-5844 to talk with a dental expert today.