Most dental-related injuries occur in children aged between 8 and 14 months; this is when they’re toddlers who are beginning to explore their surroundings. Another surge occurs during the adolescence period when their aggressiveness and sporting activities expose them to injuries. A pediatric dental emergency service provides a remedy for this problem.
Dental emergencies and injuries are common problems that both children and adults experience. An estimated 48% of children experience dental trauma or emergency at some point in their life. Children experience different types of dental emergencies ranging from mild to severe. The most common are discussed below.
A toothache is the most common dental problem in children of different ages, signifying an underlying cause. Some of its leading origins include tooth fractures, an eruption of wisdom teeth, decay, and tooth trauma.
The main strategies for relieving pain and swelling are cleaning the affected part using warm water and using a cold compress. You can also have the impacted tooth removed if your family dentist deems it necessary.
Knocked-Out Tooth
When a child’s tooth is knocked out of the mouth, it’s advisable to immediately contact pediatric dental emergency personnel. Typically, pediatric dentists refrain from re-implanting a broken baby tooth as it can cause further damages to the bud. Visit a dentist within one hour of avulsion for a successful re-implantation procedure.
You can also help to recover the tooth by correctly handling the crown and not touching the root. Also, rinse the remains of dirt using water, but don’t scrub.
If you’re dealing with an older child, reinsert the tooth into its socket by applying gentle pressure; but for a younger child, put the tooth in a glass of saliva or milk to prevent it from drying.
Dental Intrusion
The International Journal of Pediatric Dentistry Journal reveals that dental trauma can sometimes push one or several teeth up into the jawbone. Such occurrences result in different injuries, depending on the extent of the push. However, the resulting trauma is strong enough to fracture a tooth socket besides injuring the ligament.
Contact a pediatric dentist at Lovett Dental Pearland once you suspect a dental intrusion. The expert will examine the injury’s extent and decide whether to allow the tooth to go back to its socket naturally. A dentist can also enact a root canal in Houston, TX, as a strategy to preserve the tooth’s structure.
You can provide relief by rinsing the child’s mouth using cold water or placing ice packs around the affected parts to minimize swelling. You can also give the child Tylenol to relieve the pain before visiting a pediatric dentist.
Crown Fracture
The crown sustains most of the dental traumas. Children experience crown fractures, ranging from minor cracks of the enamel to severe pulp exposure, which requires immediate medical attention. The pediatric dentist will use relevant medical tools to examine the extent of the injuries.
However, any change in the color of the tooth is a warning signal of a dental emergency. In such a situation, you can help the child by taking several essential steps to ease the pain. Seek the help of a dentist immediately.
Pediatric Dental Emergency Services
At Lovett Dental Pearland, we offer numerous varieties of pediatric dentistry services for children of all ages, including:
- Fluoride treatments
- Professional teeth cleaning
- Sedation and dental anxiety
- Root canals
- Fillings and sealants
If your child is suffering from any of the conditions mentioned above, seek professional pediatric dental emergency services immediately. Don’t let poor oral health ruin your child’s life; call us today at 281-416-5844 to speak to our dentist.